Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 2

Second week at PTM and I'm wiped out! This past week we have done our summer JAM (Jesus and me) program from 6-8 in the evening, so I've spent all day at PTM this week. But I can't say that I haven't love every second of it! JAM, held in a park down the road from PTM, is a time for worship, games, bible stories, snacks, crafts, and FUN! After my regular work day at PTM, I head over to the park and set up for JAM - tents, tables, sound system, and anything else that needs to be done. Around 5:30 the kids start arriving and the fun begins. Once everyone is there, we worship as a whole with upbeat hip hop songs that have been stuck in my head all week. Then we split into crews (four crews for each grade level), about 16 crews total (we have about 150+ kids at summer JAM every night). Most all of my PTM summer camp students come to JAM, but JAM is open to the entire community, so there are plenty that I don't know. Each crew then rotates through the four stations (crafts, snack/dinner, games, and bible skits). About 7:30 we round back up for closing worship. I loved JAM, since it was a time for play and fun. Hearing the kids sing and seeing them jump around to the music reminds me how blessed I am to be apart of this program.

Along with JAM, I continue to teach my problem solving class. Along with my 3rd grade girls and my 4/5th boys and girls, I now teach 3rd grade boys too. Our curriculum grows and I continue to try and brainstorm on exciting ways to tie in leadership, team building, and problem solving. The kids especially enjoyed a game we did this week called Mission Impossible. Zach and I set up a room with string coming from each wall (acting as lasers). The kids then had to guide their blindfolded classmate through the strings without touching them. We laughed as many students completely ran through the strings. On Friday, we took a field trip to Thistle Farms with our 4/5th graders, which I organized last week. Thistle Farms is a half way house for women who have been abused, been in jail, been on the streets, etc, where they get back on their feet and work by making organic bath/body products. We heard two of the women's stories and even got a tour of how they make their products. The kids showed such an interest in the women's stories and asked great questions such as what advice could you give, were you teased when you were younger, and what hopes do you have. I was so proud of their behavior and look forward to more field trips!

This second week has also allowed the kids and I to form a greater bond. Like Mary Katherine, PTM works with M-FUGE. We get a new set of about 15 mission trip volunteers each week from around the south that help take the children from class to class - we call them "shepherds". When new volunteers arrive weekly, and the volunteers that the kids became close with the previous week are gone, the kids are wary. They continue to ask if I'm leaving with the volunteers and it joys me to see their happiness when I tell them I'm staying the entire summer. The kids and I have become attached to each other and I hate leaving work every afternoon.

Although the majority of my work is very rewarding, it isn't like that all the time. Many of the older boys and girls have behavior issues and disciplining is necessary. On Friday on our field trip, two boys got into a huge fist fight and it fell on me to resolve the issue. I hate seeing any of the children sad or angry. The girls also had problems with some new classmates this week. We had a new student join us this week and a group of about 4 girls picked on her. I hope that they accept this sweet new student and learn that talking about other people hurts just as much as a punch. We did an exercise where the entire group of 4/5th girls had to find 5 things they all had in common, which opened some of their eyes that they aren't as different from each other as it seems. I loved hearing that one of their 5 things in common was that they all loved God.

Overall its been a great second week! I can't explain how much I love each one of these kids, especially the ones in my class. Each day we become closer and I feel so completely blessed to share friendships with these children. I can't wait to go back to work next week!

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