Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week 5 at MOBC

I just completed my fifth week at the Martha O'Bryan Center, and I wish time would stop flying by! It's hard to express just how grateful I am for having received the Turner Fellowship and being place at the Martha O'Bryan Center. There are no words to describe how much I love the kids I teach or the people I work with. They are truly a blessing to me.

We had a bit of a scare on Tuesday. We were out on the playground, and a man with a gun walked by on the other side of the fence. Ms. Marvetta, the teacher I work with, was the one who saw the gun, and she quickly told us to get the kids inside. All of the children were confused and kept asking me what was going on. I didn't want to scare them, so, I told them that it was just too hot for us to be outside. The sad part is, most of the kids are used to hearing shootings going on outside of their houses. I worry about these kids so much. This week, I had a sudden realization, even though it seems pretty obvious now. Martha O'Bryan Center is in a neighborhood that is full of gang members. We're in the Bloods' territory specifically, and it's terrible that some of the kids I teach might get sucked into gang life. I pray that they will escape that life and grow up safe and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Alex, I'm catching up on reading y'all's blog for this summer's Turner Fellowship and just wanted to say thank you for all you've done with this opportunity. I'm sure the kids at Martha O'Bryan have enjoyed getting to know you. I'm glad that you were given this assignment, specifically at Martha O'Bryan, because of your heart and desire to help those less fortunate. They touch so many lives from babies to old people and I'm amazed by all of the different people that one center reaches out to and helps. Your "bit of a scare" last week made my heart stop but I'm glad you shared that experience. Take care and have a great rest of your summer!
    -Mrs. Mangrum, Your Friendly FRA Alumni Director
