Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 4 at Bethlehem Center

In the previous post, I said I was supposed to start week three the other week. Well, I had actually already completed my third week, and now am on my fourth week. Just got a little time confused!
My fourth week was last week (as I am now on the fifth) and I loved returning to see all the kids after I hadn't seen them for a week. It was very strange, because it seemed like nothing had changed and I was slipping immediately back into my role with them. It was great! The kids have been preparing for Olympic Day, which is coming up this Wednesday, and several other non-profits are bringing their kids over to Bethlehem Center for an annual competition between the organizations. The kids are getting so competitive!

My work in the GED program has been essentially the same, but I have been working with the same people for several weeks now and they have actually greatly improved their reading skills. At the beginning of the summer, it was a struggle for them to read aloud one passage, but now they actually come up to me and ask if they can read to me, instead of my coercing them into taking a reading session. I hope they can get their GEDs soon!

As for my work in the Shopping Bag, I am forming great bonds with the women who work in the store, especially Heather. There is a lot of down time in which Heather and I just sit and talk, and she has told me her amazing testimony and shared a lot of her life story which me. It astounded me when she was so trusting of me, and I felt so blessed because of her faith. Heather has been talking to me a lot about faith and God, and every question I ask her is rooted in the bible. My daily talks with Heather have been steadily reassuring me in my faith. I am so blessed to have met her this summer.

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